March 1, 2010

Creating a blog. What for...?

         Creating a blog, for what? Perhaps such questions ever occurred to you. When I first made this blog, I never thought why would I make this blog. I just want to know, how to make a blog? Is it difficult to make a blog? Maybe because my curiosity is large, or actually I just wondering with the existing Internet facilities and want to utilize it. So I make this blog.
         Now I'm still not sure that I could get benefit from making this blog. I've read stories of successful people who make money from blogging activities. But it turns out that it's hard to followed.Well ... talents and fortunes of people may emang disparate.
         So, ..I think no more to make money through blogging activities. Then what for? The answer may be made simply expressing what I had in mind, so that is not always reveal buried in my head, share it with you and anyone else who stray reading what I express. Hopefully it is beneficial for you, for me, for everyone!

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