November 30, 2011

Stages of implementation of community empowerment

1. Site selection
Site selection performed to determine the place or area of ​​the desired implementation of community empowerment. Site selection carried out in accordance with criteria agreed by the institutions, stakeholders and society. For example:
• The willingness of people receiving non-physical activities
• Not too many other project
• The existence of marginalized communities
• Support from village officials and community leaders
• The location of affordable, appropriate skills and facilities.
Determination of these criteria is important that institutional objectives will be achieved in the Community Empowerment and the selection of project locations as possible. It could be a village is too broad to apply for Community Empowerment so that Community Empowerment might be carried out for example in one hamlet.

2. Socialization of community empowerment
Socialization of community empowerment was done to create communication and dialogue with communities to improve community understanding and concerned parties about the program. Socialization process will determine the public interest to participate and be involved in the program.
Stages and methods in the socialization process include: Formal meetings with Village officials and community leaders, Agree work areas (hamlet), a formal meeting with the community, informal meeting with the community: home visits, group discussions, participate in community activities (social, religious, field)
Things that need to be socialized for example: Explanation of the purpose, benefits, target of community empowerment, community empowerment Principles (including the principle of non-physical), Explanation of the target group (men, women, youth and others), and community feedback on all aspects above. Materials and media that can be used in socialization include: Brochures, Movie (video), Poster, Books etc.

3. The process of community empowerment:

Assessment of participatory rural state.
The states assessments are intended to Participatory Rural communities are able and confident in identifying and analyzing the situation, both the potential and problems. Also this stage is intended to get an idea about the social, economic and community institutions as well as natural resources and human resources. This overview will provide a basis for planning development activities.

Development of group
Group development activities carried out by focusing on people who are really interested and keen to do activities together. In this case to consider the involvement of women and other neglected. This joint activity can form a complete group with stewardship and rules. Formation based on the will of society and can happen at the time of implementation of the Participatory Rural Assessment situation and thereafter. In connection with the Community Empowerment to empower the community in improving their standard of living, then the direction the group is to prepare the public assistance in order to really be able to manage their own activities.

Plan Formulation and Implementation Activities
Preparation of a plan intended to groups and group members are able to develop and implement concrete action plans and realistic. Basis of preparation is the potential and the problems that have been identified in Participatory Rural Assessment circumstances and objectives of the group that has been determined. In the preparation of plans and implementation activities, monitoring and evaluation, not just administrators, but all group members participate.

Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E)
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation is not a particular activity, but carried out in depth at all stages. for Community Empowerment process went well and the goal will be achieved.  Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) executed by all parties involved in the Community Empowerment where the point is the community's role as the main actors. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) is a process of assessment, assessment and monitoring of Community Empowerment, both the process (implementation) and outcomes and impacts can be structured so that the repair process if necessary.

4. Empowerment of Community
Process for Community Empowerment is a process of continuous learning for the community with the goal of independence of the community in efforts to increase their standard of living. Noteworthy is the community from the beginning of the process realized that this would happen. Besides, it is important to determine and agree with the community about the criteria for the retreat. Although the team is backed up, its members still play a role, namely as an advisor or consultant when required by the community.


September 7, 2010

Management process

            Management process is a tool whereby a manager carrying out the management. First is the planning. A manager must first find out what he/she wants to do, determine goals and ways to achieve that goal. Managers also must be able to perform analysis on various possibilities that will be faced. Determine steps to be taken if in the later will find problems. Planning will largely determine the success of management.

            Next is organizing. A manager must determine who is responsible for any activities undertaken. Specify exactly who did what (the right man on the right place). Organizing all existing resources in order to make all activities can be done effectively and efficiently. There is no subordinate who has a workload that is too heavy or too light.

            A good manager must also be able to move his subordinates (Actuating) to perform duties in the company / organization as well and in a sense like it or not depressed. Sometimes the guidance is also needed so that subordinates will understand the tasks to be done. Good cooperation between managers and subordinates will affect the achievement of company objectives.
Last is the Control (Controlling). A task that has been given must be supervised its implementation so that all can work as planned. Monitoring of work processes, results or problems encountered so biased done fast and accurately anticipate if there are events beyond the estimates that have been planned.

            Thus one can say as a manager if he engaged in activities that cover the whole process began planning, organizing, actuating, and control. Beyond that of course he could not say as a manager. The manager is planning; if only carry out just so he is not a manager. The manager is to organize, if only just received the order so he is not a manager, etc.

            Could management help the success of human activity? Yes. Management can help provide success for human activities. In a management company absolutely must be done, so in an organization. Even in the activities of individual / personal principles - principles will greatly assist the successful management of human activities. Each activity will be more likely to succeed if it has done extensive planning, organization of resources, manpower or time, support for employment and also supervise the activities undertaken

August 17, 2010

Structure of the plants

            Plants are divided into two major groups, ie, vascular plants and non vascular plants. Vaskuler plants marked with a growing conduction network (transport network) in charge of delivering nutrients and water transported to all parts of the plant. While non vascular plants are plants that is very simple because it has no internal transport system.

July 15, 2010


             Earth is very rich with minerals. One of its that found to be quite a lot is limestone. The potential of limestone in Indonesia is very large and spread almost evenly throughout the Indonesian archipelago, such as in Padalarang (West Java), Central Kalimantan (Waringin City West, North Barito, Joyless Kingdom), Palimanan (Cirebon regency, West Java) and other areas. Limestone contained in various kinds of nature, such as: calcite (CaCO3), dolomite (CaCO3.MgCO3), magnesite (MgCO3), siderite (FeCO3), ankerit [Ca2Fe (CO3) 4], and aragonite (CaCO3) that chemical composing the same but different in the calcite crystal structure.

            Limestone (calcium carbonate CaCO3) when burned with a certain temperature (> 900o C) will produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and becomes calcium oxide (CaO). Calcium oxide if mixed with a little water will be a powder of lime, or hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca (OH2). This process is called the action of water (slaking) and limestone known as hydrated lime. Hydrated lime if left in open area in long period, it’s water content will be lost and react with carbon dioxide in the air and became a calcium carbonate.

April 20, 2010


            This time I want to write a bit about management issues, especially the function in the principles of management. One function of management is to actuation. The terms of it is the creation of cooperation between members of the group as well as on the direction of morale, determination and ability of all members to achieve common goals.

             Implementation of actuation is done by considering the following matters:
1.To understand the interests of subordinates.
2.To keep good working atmosphere
3.To understand the behavior of members or subordinates.
4.Tell the goals to everyone in the organization,
5.To make everyone aware of, understand and accept these goals,
6.Explain the philosophy adopted by the leadership of the organization in carrying out the activities of the organization.
7.Explain the wisdom taken by the leader of the organization in achieving business goals,
8.Make everyone understands the organizational structure,
9.Explain what is expected by the leader of the organization to be run by any person,
10.Tell the importance of cooperation in carrying out the necessary activities,
11.Make every person that works well in organizations with a personal goal of these people will be achieved as closely as possible.